This simple diagram will show you the basics of how to apply eye shadow. When starting out with makeup it is important to know the parts of the eye and what makeup looks best on each part.

1. Start with a solid colour across the whole lid. For starters use a neutral colour palette consisting of different shades of brown. 

2. Next add a darker colour into the crease of your eye. This will create nice depth and contour to your eye. Blend this darker colour slightly downward into the outer corner of your eye and slightly upward onto the brow bone.

3. Next you will want to add a highlight. Choose a champagne or a colour a couple shades lighter than your skin tone and apply it under the arch of your eyebrow. Blend it downwards into the crease to give it a gradient look with no harsh lines. Also apply a small amount of highlight to the tearduct of your eye. Remember you do not want to use a very sparkly or bright white colour for your highlighter because it looks very unnatural. 

4. This is optional but you can add some colour with an angle brush on your lower lashline and drag the colour upward towards the outer corner of your eye.

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